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The Gatecatch

How It Works

Great British Catches supply the demand for high-end latches using quality stainless steel or high calibre zinc plate to produce a gate latch that is easy to use, good to look at and a leader in two way opening gates with sales worldwide. ​


Available in three sizes, our catches are incredibly simple to use; lifting the catch with one finger allows the gate to open in both directions and lock shut each time. 



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The catches simply allow the gate to be opened in both directions and safely locked shut when closed.

They can be added to existing one way opening gates ensuring easy opening and the security of locking shut - no more gates bouncing back open.

Our catch makes disabled access far easier and eliminates the need to backup in a wheelchair. They're also great for families and horse riders. Our quality gatecatch is also long lasting and will not be affected by normal gate drop. 

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The catch can be fitted anywhere on the gatepost to your chosen height and can be locked with a padlock.

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